Dyslexia Video
Towards the end of last 2018 the Gibraltar Dyslexia Support Group (GDSG) approached the Gibraltar Youth Production Team (GYPT) about collaborating on a project to produce a Dyslexia video locally. The idea was to interview some local dyslexics and let them tell their story of how dyslexia makes them unique. We were very lucky and got a number of great volunteers to take part and share their experiences. One of the volunteers is the GDSG’s own Patron His Excellency the Governor Lieutenant General Edward Davis. After much filming and lots of editing we are proud to say the video is ready. To mark the occasion we have organised the first public showing of the video for all to see.
The presentation will be on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at 6pm in the John Macintosh Hall, Charles Hunt room. There will be food and drinks provided.
Venue: John Macintosh Hall, Charles Hunt room.
The Governor, the interviewees and the GYPT have already confirmed their attendance and we would like to extend the invitation to you.