Dyslexia Workshop for Parents
Join Dyslexia Gibraltar for a workshop on support for parents (guardians & teachers). Led by Jessica Byrne (Dyslexia Assessor) and Clare Francis (Special Needs Teacher) the workshop aims to cover the following:
– What is Dyslexia? Strengths and weaknesses.
– Executive functioning skills and Dyslexia.
– How can you support at home?
– What to expect from school.
– What are access arrangements?
– Assistive technology.
– How can you support at home?
– What to expect from school.
– What are access arrangements?
– Assistive technology.
Date: Thursday 16th May 2024
Time: 6pm
Venue: John MackIntosh Hall, Charles Hunt Room.
Time: 6pm
Venue: John MackIntosh Hall, Charles Hunt Room.
Jessica has taught for over 20 years, 15 of which as a Primary school SENCo. She undertook an MEd. in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion at the University of Birmingham as part of her professional development. Jessica recently completed the Professional Practice in Assessment and Reporting (SpLD/Dyslexia) course and achieved her Assessment Practising Certificate. Additionally, she has a Certificate in Further Professional Studies in Dyslexia (Bangor, University of Wales). Jessica currently lectures at the University of Gibraltar on the PGCE programme and is part of the Dyslexia Gibraltar Committee.
Clare Francis is a Special Needs Teacher (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination) with over 20 years of teaching experience. Clare is a Private Tutor and Consultant atedYOUcation. If you are a parent or guardian of a Dyslexic child please join us and spread the word. If you are a teacher dealing with dyslexic children you are welcome to attend also.
Please register to save your spot by emailing stuart@dyslexia.gi as soon as possible.